KTP 結晶 非線形光学結晶 (NLO)
KTP 結晶 Potassium Titanyl Phosphate (KTiOPO4,KTP)
KTP 結晶 Potassium Titanyl Phosphate (KTiOPO3 or KTP)は商用レーザー、軍事用レーザー双方に広く使用されており、研究室での実験、医療システム、レンジファインダー、ライダー、通信、産業機器等多岐に渡ります。
KTP 非線形光学結晶は数量1つから販売しております。
KTP 非線形光学結晶ご購入の際は、ご希望のサイズ ご希望のコーティング 数量をお知らせください。
KTP 結晶の特徴
- 大きな非線形光学係数を持ちます。
- 大きな受け入れ角度の幅を持ち小さなウォークオフアングルを持ちます。
- お使いいただける温度範囲が広く、波長帯も広いです。
- 高い電気光学係数を持ち低い比誘電率が特徴です。
- 吸湿性が無く、化学的にも安定しています。
KTP 結晶におけるCASTECH社のサービス
- KTP結晶製造には厳格な品質管理を行っております。
- KTP結晶の供給可能な最大サイズは20x20x40mm3 、最長 60mmが可能です。
- 短納期・迅速な納品を致します
- 低価格で販売しております。
- ARコーティング・マウント・再研磨サービスを行っています。
KTP 結晶の化学特性と構造特性
Crystal Structure | Orthorhombic, space group Pna21,point group mm2 |
Lattice Parameter | a=6.404?, b=10.616?, c=12.814?, Z=8 |
Melting Point | About 1172°C |
Mohs Hardness | 5 |
Density | 3.01 g/cm3 |
Thermal Conductivity | 13W/m/K |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient | αx=11×10-6/°C, αy=9×10-6/°C, αz=0.6×10-6/°C |
KTP 結晶の光学特性及び非線形特性
Transparency Range | 350~4500nm |
SHG Phase Matchable Range | 497~1800nm (Type II) |
Therm-optic Coefficients | dnx/dT=1.1X10-5 |
Absorption Coefficients | <0.1%/cm at 1064nm <1%/cm at 532nm |
For Type II SHG of a Nd:YAG laser at 1064nm
| Temperature Acceptance: 24°C-cm |
NLO Coefficients | deff(II)≈(d24-d15)sin2φsin2θ-(d15sin2φ + d24cos2φ)sinθ |
Non-vanished NLO susceptibilities | d31=6.5 pm/V d24=7.6 pm/V |
Sellmeier Equations | nx2=3.0065+0.03901/(λ2-0.04251)-0.01327λ 2 |
KTP 結晶の応用:NdドープレーザーのSHG(二倍波発生)と SFG(和周波発生)
KTP is the most commonly used material for frequency doubling of Nd:YAG and other Nd-doped lasers, particularly when the power density is at a low or medium level. To date, extra- and intra-cavity frequency doubled Nd:lasers using KTP have become a preferred pumping source for visible dye lasers and tunable Ti:Sapphire lasers as well as their amplifiers. They are also useful green sources for many research and industry applications. |
* More than 80% conversion efficiency and 700mJ green laser were obtained with a 900mJ
injection-seeded Q-switch Nd:YAG lasers by using extra-cavity KTP.
* 8W green laser was generated from a 15W LD pumped Nd:YVO4 with intra-cavity KTP.
* 200mW green outputs are generated from 1 W LD pumped Nd:YVO4 lasers by using CASTECH ’s 2x2x5mm KTP and 3x3x1mm Nd:YVO4.
* 2-5mw green outputs are generated from 180mw LD pumped Nd:YVO4 and KTP glued crystals.For more details, please refer to Glued Crystals.
KTP is also being used for intracavity mixing of 0.81μm diode and 1.064μm Nd:YAG laser to generate blue light and intracavity SHG of Nd:YAG or Nd:YAP lasers at 1.3μm to produce red light. |
KTP 結晶の応用:OPG、 OPA、 OPOについて
As an efficient OPO crystal pumped by a Nd:laser and its second harmonics, KTP plays an important role for parametric sources for tunable outputs from visible (600nm) to mid-IR (4500nm), as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Generally, KTP’s OPOs provide stable and continuous pulse outputs (signal and idler) in fs, with 108 Hz repetition rate and a mW average power level. A KTP’s OPO that are pumped by a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser has generated as high as above 66% efficiency for degenerately converting to 2120nm. |
The novel developed application is the non-critical phase-matched(NCPM) KTP OPO/OPA pumped by the X-cut KTP crystal. As shown in Fig.5, for pumping wavelength range from 0.7μm to 1 μm, the output can cover from 1.04μm to 1.45μm(signal) and from 2.15μm to 3.2μm(idler). More than 45% conversion efficiency was obtained with narrow output bandwidth and good beam quality.
KTP 結晶の応用: E-Oデバイスについて
In addition to unique NLO features, KTP also has promising E-O and dielectric properties that are comparable to LiNbO3These advantaged properties make KTP extremely useful to various E-O devices. Table 1 is a comparison of KTP with other E-O modulator materials commonly used: |
Electro-Optic モジュレーターに使用されるマテリアル比較表
| Phase |
| Amplitude |
Material | ε | N | R(pm/V) | k(10-6/°C) | N7r2/ε(pm/V)2 | r(pm/V) | k(10-6/°C) | n7r2/ε(pm/V)2 |
KTP LiNbO3 KD*P LiIO3 | 15.42 27.9 48.0 5.9 | 1.80 2.20 1.47 1.74 | 35.0 8.8 24.0 6.4 | 31 82 9 24 | 6130 7410 178 335 | 27.0 20.1 24.0 1.2 | 11.7 42 8 15 | 3650 3500 178 124 |
From Table 1, clearly, KTP is expected to replace LiNbO3 crystal in the considerable volume application of E-O modulators, when other merits of KTP are combined into account, such as high damage threshold, wide optical bandwidth (>15GHZ), thermal and mechanical stability, and low loss, etc. |
KTP 結晶の応用:Optical Waveguides
Based on the ion-exchange process on KTP substrate, low loss optical waveguides developed for KTP have created novel applications in integrated optics. Table 2 gives a comparison of KTP with other optical waveguide materials. Recently, a type II SHG conversion efficiency of 20%/W/cm2 was achieved by the balanced phase matching, in which the phase mismatch from one section was balanced against a phase mismatch in the opposite sign from the second. Furthermore, segmented KTP waveguides have been applied to the type I quasi-phase-matchable SHG of a tunable Ti:Sapphire laser in the range of 760-960mm, and directly doubled diode lasers for the 400-430nm outputs.
Electro-Optic Waveguideの素材比較表
Materials | r (pm/V) | n | eeff (e11e33)1/2 | n3r/eeff (pm/V) |
KTP LiNbO3 KNbO3 BNN BN GaAs BaTiO3 | 35 29 25 56 56-1340 1.2 28 | 1.86 2.20 2.17 2.22 2.22 3.6 2.36 | 13 37 30 86 119-3400 14 373 | 17.3 8.3 9.2 7.1 5.1-0.14 4.0 1.0 |
KTP 結晶に施すことが出来るARコーティング
CASTECH provides the following AR-coatings:
- Dual Band AR-coating (DBAR) of KTP for SHG of 1064nm.
- low reflectance (R<0.2% at 1064nm and R<0.5% at 532nm );
- high damage threshold (>300MW/cm2 at both wavelengths);
- long durability.
- Broad Band AR-coating (BBAR) of KTP for OPO applications.
- High reflectivity coating: HR1064nm&HT532nm, R>99.8%@1064nm, T>90%@532nm.
- Other coatings are available upon request.
KTP 結晶の仕様及び保証について
- Dimension tolerance: (W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.5/-0.1mm) (L≥2.5mm)
- (W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.1/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm)
- Clear aperture: central 90% of the diameter
- No visible scattering paths or centers when inspected by a 50mW green laser
- Flatness: less than λ/8 @ 633nm
- Transmitting wavefront distortion: less than λ/8 @ 633nm
- Chamfer: ≤0.2mm@45°
- Chip: ≤0.1mm
- Scratch/Dig code: better than 10/ 5 to MIL-PRF-13830B
- Parallelism: better than 20 arc seconds
- Perpendicularity: ≤5 arc minutes
- Angle tolerance: Δθ≤0.25°, Δφ≤0.25°
- Damage threshold[GW/cm ]: >0.5 for 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10HZ (AR-coated)
- >0.3 for 532nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10HZ (AR-coated)
- Quality Warranty Period: one half year under proper use.
KTP 非線形光学結晶は数量1つから販売しております。
KTP 非線形光学結晶ご購入の際は、ご希望のサイズ ご希望のコーティング 数量をお知らせください。