Nd:YVO4 レーザー結晶
Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthovanadate (Nd:YVO4)

Nd:YVO4 レーザー結晶は数量1つから販売しております。
Nd:YVO4 レーザー結晶ご購入の際は、ご希望のサイズ ご希望のコーティング 数量をお知らせください。
Nd:YVO4 結晶の優位性について 〜 Nd:YAG 結晶との比較〜
- おおよそ5倍広い吸収域を励起中心波長の808nnm近辺に持っています。そのため励起波長に対する依存が低くできます。また、シングルモード発振の傾向が強いです。
- レージング波長1064nmでの誘導放出クロスセクションが3倍広いです。
- レージング閾値は低く、発振効率(スロープエフィシェンシー)は高いです。
- 出力の偏光は、直線偏光のみになります。
CASTECH社が提供するNd:YVO4 結晶の特徴
- お好みのNdドーピング濃度が0.1% から 3%の間でご指定できます。
- ドーピング濃度の精度は:±0.05%(atm%<1%),±0.1%(atm%≥1%)になります。
- お好みのサイズのバルクでのご提供が可能です。最大サイズはΦ35×50mm3まで可能です。
- ご指定のサイズでカット、ポシッシング、ARコーティングを施してご提供させていただきます。最大サイズはΦ20×20mm3まで可能です。
- Nd:YVO4結晶製品の市場への供給実績は一月あたり10,000個以上になります。サイズはとしては 3×3×0.5 から 4×4×8 mmのNd:YVO4結晶になります。
- 迅速な納品を心がけております。
- 競合他社に負けない魅力的な価格で提供しております。
Nd:YVO4 結晶の基礎的な特性
Atomic Density: | 1.26 × 1020 atoms/cm3 (Nd1.0%) |
Crystal Structure: | Zircon Tetragonal, space group D4h-I4/amd a=b=7.1193A,c=6.2892A |
Density; | 4.22 g/cm3 |
Mohs Hardness: | 4-5 (Glass-like) |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient(300K): | αa=4.43×10-6/K αc=11.37×10-6/K |
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient(300K): | //C:0.0523W/cm/K ⊥C:0.0510W/cm/K |
Optical Properties of Nd:YVO4: | |
Lasing wavelength: | 1064 nm, 1342 nm |
Thermal optical coefficient (300K): | dno/dT=8.5×10-6/K dne/dT=2.9×10-6/K |
Stimulated emission cross-section: | 25×10-19 cm2 @1064 nm |
Fluorescent lifetime: | 90 µs(1% Nd doping) |
Absorption coefficient: | 31.4 cm-1 @810 nm |
Intrinsic loss: | 0.02 cm-1 @1064 nm |
Gain bandwidth: | 0.96 nm @1064 nm |
Polarized laser emission: | π polarization; parallel to optic axis(c-axis) |
Diode pumped optical to optical efficiency: | > 60 % |
Sellemeier equations (λ in um) | n02=3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724)-0.010813λ2 ne2=4.59905+0.110534/(λ2-0.04813)-0.012676λ2 |
Nd:YVO4 結晶を用いたレーザーの特性
1. One of the most attractive character of Nd:YVO4 is, compared with Nd:YAG, it has 5 times larger absorption coefficient in a broader absorption bandwidth around the 808 nm peak pump wavelength, which just matches the standard of high power laser diodes currently available. This means a smaller Nd:YVO4 crystal that could be used for the laser, leading to a more compact laser system. For a given output power, this also means a lower power level at which the laser diode operates, thus extending the lifetime of the expensive laser diode. The broader absorption bandwidth of Nd:YVO4which may reaches 2.4 to 6.3 times that of Nd:YAG, is also valuable. Besides more efficient pumping, Nd:YVO4 also means a broader range of selection of diode specifications. This will be helpful to laser system makers for wider tolerance and lower cost choice.
2. Nd:YVO4 crystal has larger stimulated emission cross-sections, both at 1064nm and 1342nm. When a-axis cut Nd:YVO4 crystal lasing at 1064m, it is about 4 times higher than that of Nd:YAG, while at 1340nm the stimulated cross-section is 18 times larger, which leads to a CW operation completely outperforming Nd:YAG at 1320nm. These make Nd:YVO4 laser be easy to maintain a strong single line emission at the two wavelengths.
3. Another important character of Nd:YVO4 lasers is, because it is an uniaxial rather than a high symmetry of cubic as Nd:YAG, what it emits is only a linearly polarized, thus avoiding undesired birefringent effects on the frequency conversion. Although the lifetime of Nd:YVO4 is about 2.7 times shorter than that of Nd:YAG, its slope efficiency can be still quite high for a proper design of laser cavity, because of its high pump quantum efficiency.
The major laser properties of Nd:YVO4 vs Nd:YAG are listed in Table below, including stimulated emission cross-sections (σ), Absorption Coefficient (α) Fluorescent lifetime (τ),Absorption Length (La),threshold Power (Pth) and Pump Quantum Efficiency (ηs).
Nd:YVO4 結晶とNd:YAG 結晶のレーザーの特性比較
LASER CRYSTAL | DOPING(atm%) | σ (x10-19cm2) |
α (cm-1) |
τ (μs) |
Lα (mm) |
Pth (mW) |
ηs (%) |
Nd:YVO4(a-cut) | 1.0 2.0 |
25 25 |
31.2 72.4 |
90 50 |
0.32 0.14 |
30 78 |
52 48.6 |
Nd:YVO4(c-cut) | 1.1 | 7 | 9.2 | 90 | 231 | 45.5 | |
Nd:YAG | 0.85 | 6 | 7.1 | 230 | 1.41 | 115 | 38.6 |
Typical Results of Nd:YVO4:
• Diode pumped Nd:YVO4 laser output comparing with diode pumped Nd:YAG laser.
Crystals | Size(mm3) | Pump Power | Output (at 1064nm) |
Nd:YVO4 | 3x3x1 | 850mW | 350mW |
Nd:YVO4 | 3x3x5 | 15W | 6W |
Nd:YAG | 3x3x2 | 850mW | 34mW |
• Diode pumped Nd:YVO4+KTP green laser.
- 8W green laser was generated from a 15W LD pumped 0.5% Nd:YVO4 with intracavity KTP.
- 200mW green outputs are generated from 1W LD pumped 2% Nd:YVO4 lasers by using CASTECH’s 2x2x5mm KTP and 3x3x1mm Nd:YVO4
Nd:YVO4 結晶向けのコーティングについて
- Both ends AR/AR-1064/808nm, R<0.2%@1064nm,R<2%@808nm
- S1:HR@1064&532 nm,HT808 nm, R>99.8%@1064&532nm,T>90%@808nm S2:AR@1064&532 nm, R<0.2%@1064nm,R<0.5%@532nm
- S1:HR@1064,HT808, R>99.8%@1064nm,T>95%@808nm S2:AR@1064, R<0.1%@1064nm.
- S1,S2 AR-coated, S3:gold/chrome plated.
- Both ends AR/AR-1064 nm; S3:AR-808 nm
- Other coatings are available upon request.
Nd:YVO4 結晶の技術仕様と保証
- Dimension tolerance:(W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.5/-0.1mm) (L≥2.5mm)
- (W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.2/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm)
- Transmitting wavefront distortion:less than λ/4 @ 633nm
- Clear aperture:>90% central area
- Chamfer: ≤0.2mm@45
- Chip: ≤0.1mm
- Flatness: λ/8 @ 633 nm (L≥2.5mm), λ/4 @ 633nm (L<2.5mm)
- Scratch/Dig code: 10/5 to MIL-PRF-13830B
- Parallelism:better than 20 arc seconds
- Perpendicularity: ≤5 arc minutes
- Angle tolerance:≤0.5°
- Damage threshold[GW/cm2 ]: >1 for 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated)
- Quality Warranty Period:one year under proper use.
Nd:YVO4 レーザー結晶は数量1つから販売しております。
Nd:YVO4 レーザー結晶ご購入の際は、ご希望のサイズ ご希望のコーティング 数量をお知らせください。