CRYLIGHT 社製 Birefringent Crystals


Calcite CrystalsYVO4 CrystalsAlpha-BBO Crystals

Calcite Crystals


Calcite is a negative uniaxial crystal that has high birefringence, wide spectral transmission and availability in reasonably sized rhombs. Although is a fairly soft crystal and is easily scratched, it is ideal material used as visible and near IR polarizers, such as Glan Taylor, Glan Thompson and Glan laser.

Orientation: < 111 > +/-5deg
Diameter Tolerance : +0.0 /-0.1mm
Thickness Tolerance: +/-0.2mm
Surface Quality: better than 10/5 scratch/dig
Parallelism: < 30 arcsec
Flatness: < λ/8 @632.8nm
Perpendicularity: < 5 arcmin
Wavefront Distortion: < λ/2 @632.8nm
Coating: Coating upon Request


Crystal Structure Cubic
Density 4.5 g/cm3
Transmission Range 250 – 5000 nm
Melting Point 1970 °C
Specific Heat 0.59 W·s /g /K
Thermal Conductivity 14 W/m /K
Thermal Shock Resistance 790 W /m
Thermal Expansion 6.9×10-6 /K
dn/dT, @ 633nm 7.3×10-6 /K-1
Mohs Hardness ~ 8.5
Refractive Index 1.8245 @ 0.8mm, 1.8197 @ 1.0mm,
1.8121 @ 1.4mm

YVO4 Crystals

 The yttrium orthovanadate (YVO4) is a positive uniaxial crystal grown with Czochralski method. It has good mechanical and physical properties and is ideal for optical polarizing components because of its wide transparency range and large birefringence. It is an excellent synthetic substitute for Calcite (CaCO3) and Rutile (TiO2) crystals in many applications including fiber optic isolators and circulators, beam displacers, Glan polarizers and other polarizing optics, etc.

Diameter: Max 25m
Length: Max 35mm
Surface Quality: better than 20/10 scratch/dig
Beam Deviation: < 3 arc min
Optical Axis Orientation: +/-0.2deg
Flatness: < λ/4 @632.8nm
Wavefront Distortion: < λ/2 @632.8nm
Coating: Coating upon Request


Transmitting range 400~5000nm
Crystal Symmetry Zircon tetragonal, space group D4h
Crystal Cell a=b=7.12 °, c=6.29 °
Density 4.22 g/cm2
Hygroscopic Susceptibility Non-hygroscopic
Mohs Hardness 5 glass like
Thermal Optical Coefficient △na /dT=8.5×10-6 /K; dnc /dT=3.0×10-6 /K
Thermal Conductivity Coefficient ||C: 5.23 w/m/k; ⊥C:5.10w/m/k
Crystal Class Positive uniaxial with no=na=nb, ne=nc
Refractive Indices, no=1.9929, ne=2.2154, △n=0.2225, ρ=6.04°, at 630nm
Birefringence( Dn=ne-no) no=1.9500, ne=2.1554, △n=0.2054, ρ=5.72°, at 1300nm
and Walk-Off Angle at 45 deg(ρ) no=1.9447, ne=2.1486, △n=0.2039, ρ=5.69°, at 1550nm
Sellmeier Equation ( l in mm) no2 =3.77834+0.069736/(λ2-0.04724)-0.0108133λ2
ne2 =4.5905+0.110534/(λ2-0.04813)-0.0122676λ2

Alpha-BBO Crystals

 High Temperature form BBO (a-BaB2O4) is a negative uniaxial crystal. It has large birefringence over the broad transparent range from 189 nm to 3500 nm. Recently, CryLight has succeeded in growing this crystal into large size. The physical, chemical, thermal and optical properties of a-BBO crystal are similar to those of b-BBO. However, the nonlinear optical properties of a-BBO crystal is vanished due to the centric symmetry with its crystal structure. It is not recommended to use for NLO processes.

Diameter: Max 50m
Length: Max 35mm
Surface Quality: better than 20/10 scratch/dig
Beam Deviation: < 3 arc min
Optical Axis Orientation: +/-0.2deg
Flatness: < λ/4 @632.8nm
Wavefront Distortion: < λ/2 @632.8nm
Coating: Coating upon Request


Transmitting range 189nm~3500nm
Density 3.85g/cm3
Therm-Optic Coefficients dno/dT=-9.3 x 10-6/ °C
dno/dT=-16.6×10-6/ °C
Optical Homogeneity △n»10-6/cm
Mohs Hardness 4.5
Damage Threshold 1GW/cm2 at 1064nm
500MW/cm2 at 532nm
Hygroscopic Susceptibility Low
Thermal Expansion Coefficients aa=4×10-6
(25 °C – 900 °C) aa=4×10-6
Linear Absorption Coefficients a<0.005cm-1 from 300nm to 2300nm
Refractive Indices,
and wal-off Angle at 45 °C(r)
ne=1.58462,no=1.65790,△n=-0.073282;r=-4.9532° at 1064nm
ne=1.60206,no=1.67755,△n=-0.075491;r=-5.0407° at 532nm
ne=1.67190,no=1.76171,△n=-0.089805;r=-5.6926° at 266nm
Sellmeier equation(l in mm) no2=2.7471+0.01878/(λ2-0.01822)-0.01354λ